Sunday, 9 October 2011

Fuel Tank

This weekend I was joined by Mike to specifically tackle the fuel tank, most of the preordered supplies arrived within an hour of Mike arriving and we were then good to go. Starting with the fuel sender, Mike got stuck in and applied the Hylomar Blue Gasket Sealer. After a couple of self tapping screws issues the send unit was in and will hopefully be sealed.

Once we were happy with this join we moved onto the actual placement of the fuel tank, it was also decided that a couple of metal (and sponge) straps would also help with keeping the tank in place. GBS tend to just bond the tank but with a couple of straps then the tank really won't budge! So the straps were made, sponge cut and the Sikaflex laid down. Once the tank was on the car, the straps were finally attached, M8 bolts at the top and two rivets at the bottom as I'm not sure how close the rear panel will be.

Following this it was decided to look at the final placement of all the rear braking lines, Mike made a couple of adjustments but nothing major. Quite pleased that I hadn't got it all completely wrong!! We also laid out the wiring loom, few bits cable tied in for a trial fit but nothing is final by a long way. Mike marked up the nearside body panel for drilling, this will just be screwed in for now. Final task of the day was to fix in the nearside front brake line, riveted and p-clipped in it now looks smart. Once the offside is in I'll add some photos.

After Mike had gone I decided I wanted to play around with my dashboard ideas:
Not doubt I'll revisit this many times over the next few months. Might just build the scuttle and fit the dash so I can view the whole lot!

Thanks for all the help this weekend Mike, fuel tank looks great and you passed on lots of valuable advice. Ta!

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