Sunday, 25 September 2011

Odds & Sods

With my brother visiting I thought it would be a good opportunity to make so decent progress and also finish off some 2 person jobs.

Whilst I finalised the driver side front tunnel panel Jordan set to work on removing the driveshafts from the old Sierra subframe. These are now ready to be cleaned and painted before fitting in a couple of weeks. I had a few moments spare so clamped in the remaining footwell panels. This photo was taken later in the day.

The next task was to rebuild the suspension wishbones as the supplied bolts were too big. These look great rebuilt with nice fresh looking bolts. The feeling of another completed job was good and spurred us onto the next task of the day; the upper steering column. We stuck the stalks on for effect!

Final job of the day was to look at laying down the rear brake lines. I could only start this task as without my master cylinder I couldn't finalise the task. Front to rear line is screwed in until such time that rivets are required.

The back end is fitted but only finger tight.

All seems to be going ok on the build - so far!

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